Imagine you are moving to London, UK. It’s a major metropolitan city, a financial hub, a famous tourist destination, and home to around 9 million people. But as with every big city, crime is a concern, and you would like to live in a neighborhood that is safe and also popular. In this blog, we’ll use the London Crime data and the Foursquare API to select which neighborhood best fits our needs.

The London Crime data consists of more than 13 million rows containing counts of criminal reports by month, LSOA (Lower Super Output Area) borough, and major/minor category. You can download the data here.
About the data:

  • lsoa_code: code for Lower Super Output Area in Greater London.
  • borough: Common name for London borough.
  • major_category: High-level categorization of crime
  • minor_category: Low-level categorization of crime within a major category.
  • value: monthly reported count of categorical crime in given borough
  • year: Year of reported counts, 2008-2016
  • month: Month of reported counts, 1-12
# import libraries
import pandas as pd # library for data analysis
import numpy as np # library to handle data in a vectorized manner
import random # library for random number generation
import requests # library to handle requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # library for web scraping

#!conda install -c conda-forge geocoder --yes
import geocoder

#!conda install -c conda-forge geopy --yes 
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim # module to convert an address into latitude and longitude values

# libraries for displaying images
from IPython.display import Image 
from IPython.core.display import HTML 
# transforming json file into a pandas dataframe library
from import json_normalize

#!conda install -c conda-forge folium=0.5.0 --yes
import folium # plotting library

print('Libraries imported.')
Libraries imported.

Define Foursquare credentials.

CLIENT_ID = '**********'
CLIENT_SECRET = '**********'
VERSION = '20191912'

# limit the number of venues returned by the foursquare API
LIMIT = 50

Read the dataset into a pandas dataframe.

df = pd.read_csv('london_crime_by_lsoa.csv')
lsoa_code borough major_category minor_category value year month
0 E01001116 Croydon Burglary Burglary in Other Buildings 0 2016 11
1 E01001646 Greenwich Violence Against the Person Other violence 0 2016 11
2 E01000677 Bromley Violence Against the Person Other violence 0 2015 5
3 E01003774 Redbridge Burglary Burglary in Other Buildings 0 2016 3
4 E01004563 Wandsworth Robbery Personal Property 0 2008 6
# dimensions of the dataframe
(13490604, 7)

Preprocessing the data

# remove all null value entries
df = df[df.value != 0]

# reset the index and drop the previous index
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

lsoa_code borough major_category minor_category value year month
0 E01004177 Sutton Theft and Handling Theft/Taking of Pedal Cycle 1 2016 8
1 E01000086 Barking and Dagenham Theft and Handling Other Theft Person 1 2009 5
2 E01001301 Ealing Theft and Handling Other Theft Person 2 2012 1
3 E01001794 Hackney Violence Against the Person Harassment 1 2013 2
4 E01000733 Bromley Criminal Damage Criminal Damage To Motor Vehicle 1 2016 4
# new dimensions of the dataframe
(3419099, 7)

Change the column names.

df.columns = ['LSOA_Code', 'Borough', 'Major_Category', 'Minor_Category', 'No_of_Crimes', 'Year', 'Month']
LSOA_Code Borough Major_Category Minor_Category No_of_Crimes Year Month
0 E01004177 Sutton Theft and Handling Theft/Taking of Pedal Cycle 1 2016 8
1 E01000086 Barking and Dagenham Theft and Handling Other Theft Person 1 2009 5
# dataset information
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3419099 entries, 0 to 3419098
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column          Dtype 
---  ------          ----- 
 0   LSOA_Code       object
 1   Borough         object
 2   Major_Category  object
 3   Minor_Category  object
 4   No_of_Crimes    int64 
 5   Year            int64 
 6   Month           int64 
dtypes: int64(3), object(4)
memory usage: 182.6+ MB

What is the total number of crimes in each Borough?

Lambeth                   152784
Croydon                   147203
Southwark                 144362
Ealing                    140006
Newham                    137275
Brent                     129925
Lewisham                  128232
Barnet                    127194
Tower Hamlets             120099
Wandsworth                118995
Enfield                   117953
Hackney                   116521
Haringey                  116315
Waltham Forest            114603
Camden                    112029
Islington                 111755
Hillingdon                110614
Westminster               110070
Bromley                   109855
Hounslow                  106561
Redbridge                 105932
Greenwich                 104654
Hammersmith and Fulham     92084
Barking and Dagenham       86849
Havering                   82288
Kensington and Chelsea     81295
Harrow                     73993
Bexley                     73948
Merton                     73661
Sutton                     62776
Richmond upon Thames       61857
Kingston upon Thames       46846
City of London               565
Name: Borough, dtype: int64

The Boroughs of Lambeth, Croydon, Southwark and Ealing have the highest number of crimes from the year 2008 to 2016.

What is the total number of crimes per major category?

Theft and Handling             1136994
Violence Against the Person     894859
Criminal Damage                 466268
Burglary                        441209
Drugs                           231894
Robbery                         163549
Other Notifiable Offences        80569
Fraud or Forgery                  2682
Sexual Offences                   1075
Name: Major_Category, dtype: int64

Pivot the table to view the number of crimes for each major category in each Borough.

London_crime = pd.pivot_table(df, values=['No_of_Crimes'], 
                             aggfunc=np.sum, fill_value=0)
Major_Category Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offences Robbery Sexual Offences Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person
Barking and Dagenham 18103 18888 9188 205 2819 6105 49 50999 43091
Barnet 36981 21024 9796 175 2953 7374 38 87285 46565
Bexley 14973 17244 7346 106 1999 2338 22 40071 30037
Brent 28923 20569 25978 157 3711 12473 39 72523 63178
Bromley 27135 24039 8942 196 2637 4868 31 69742 46759
# reset the index
# total crimes per Borough
London_crime['Total'] = London_crime.sum(axis=1)
Borough No_of_Crimes Total
Major_Category Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offences Robbery Sexual Offences Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person
0 Barking and Dagenham 18103 18888 9188 205 2819 6105 49 50999 43091 149447
1 Barnet 36981 21024 9796 175 2953 7374 38 87285 46565 212191
2 Bexley 14973 17244 7346 106 1999 2338 22 40071 30037 114136
3 Brent 28923 20569 25978 157 3711 12473 39 72523 63178 227551
4 Bromley 27135 24039 8942 196 2637 4868 31 69742 46759 184349

Remove the multi-index so that it will be easier to merge the columns.

London_crime.columns =' '.join)
Borough No_of_Crimes Burglary No_of_Crimes Criminal Damage No_of_Crimes Drugs No_of_Crimes Fraud or Forgery No_of_Crimes Other Notifiable Offences No_of_Crimes Robbery No_of_Crimes Sexual Offences No_of_Crimes Theft and Handling No_of_Crimes Violence Against the Person Total
0 Barking and Dagenham 18103 18888 9188 205 2819 6105 49 50999 43091 149447
1 Barnet 36981 21024 9796 175 2953 7374 38 87285 46565 212191
2 Bexley 14973 17244 7346 106 1999 2338 22 40071 30037 114136
3 Brent 28923 20569 25978 157 3711 12473 39 72523 63178 227551
4 Bromley 27135 24039 8942 196 2637 4868 31 69742 46759 184349

Let’s rename the columns for better comprehensibility.

London_crime.columns = ['Borough', 'Burglary', 'Criminal Damage', 'Drugs', 'Fraud or Forgery', 'Other Notifiable Offenses', 
                        'Robbery', 'Sexual Offences', 'Theft and Handling', 'Violence Against the Person', 'Total']
Borough Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offenses Robbery Sexual Offences Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person Total
0 Barking and Dagenham 18103 18888 9188 205 2819 6105 49 50999 43091 149447
1 Barnet 36981 21024 9796 175 2953 7374 38 87285 46565 212191
2 Bexley 14973 17244 7346 106 1999 2338 22 40071 30037 114136
3 Brent 28923 20569 25978 157 3711 12473 39 72523 63178 227551
4 Bromley 27135 24039 8942 196 2637 4868 31 69742 46759 184349
5 Camden 27939 18482 21816 123 3857 9286 36 140596 53012 275147
6 City of London 15 16 33 0 17 24 0 561 114 780
7 Croydon 33376 31218 19162 270 4340 12645 55 91437 67791 260294
8 Ealing 30831 25613 18591 175 4406 9568 52 93834 68492 251562
9 Enfield 30213 22487 13251 132 3293 9059 38 70371 45036 193880
10 Greenwich 20966 22755 10836 107 3598 5430 56 64923 52897 181568
11 Hackney 21450 17327 18144 143 3332 8975 46 91118 56584 217119
12 Hammersmith and Fulham 17010 14595 15492 91 3352 5279 45 86381 43014 185259
13 Haringey 28213 22272 14563 207 2971 10084 40 83979 50943 213272
14 Harrow 19630 12724 7122 92 1998 4242 27 40800 30213 116848
15 Havering 21302 17252 8171 179 2358 3089 19 52609 33968 138947
16 Hillingdon 26056 24485 11413 223 6504 5663 44 80028 55264 209680
17 Hounslow 21026 21407 13722 183 3963 4847 40 70180 51404 186772
18 Islington 22207 18354 16553 85 3675 8736 40 107661 52975 230286
19 Kensington and Chelsea 14980 9839 14573 85 2203 4744 24 95963 29570 171981
20 Kingston upon Thames 10131 10610 5682 65 1332 1702 18 38226 21540 89306
21 Lambeth 30199 26136 25083 137 4520 18408 70 114899 72726 292178
22 Lewisham 24871 24810 16825 262 3809 10455 71 70382 63652 215137
23 Merton 16485 14339 6651 111 1571 4021 26 44128 28322 115654
24 Newham 25356 24177 18389 323 4456 16913 43 106146 66221 262024
25 Redbridge 26735 17543 15736 284 2619 7688 31 71496 41430 183562
26 Richmond upon Thames 16097 11722 4707 37 1420 1590 26 40858 20314 96771
27 Southwark 27980 24450 27381 321 4696 16153 40 109432 68356 278809
28 Sutton 13207 14474 4586 57 1393 2308 20 39533 25409 100987
29 Tower Hamlets 21510 21593 23408 124 4268 10050 47 87620 59993 228613
30 Waltham Forest 25565 20459 14101 236 3040 10606 34 77940 51898 203879
31 Wandsworth 25533 19630 9493 161 3091 8398 47 92523 45865 204741
32 Westminster 29295 20405 34031 273 6148 15752 59 277617 71448 455028

Scraping data from the web

Let’s scrape additional information about the different Boroughs in London from the “List of London boroughs” Wikipedia page.
We’ll use the Beautiful Soup library to scrape the latitude and longitude coordinates of the boroughs in London.

# getting data from internet
wikipedia_link = ''
raw_wikipedia_page = requests.get(wikipedia_link).text

# using beautiful soup to parse the HTML/XML codes.
soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_wikipedia_page,'xml')

Note: I am not including the extracted data from the HTML page since it will take up too much space in this post.

Extract the raw table inside the webpage.

table = soup.find_all('table', {'class':'wikitable sortable'})

Note: I am not including the extracted data from the table since it will take up too much space in this post.

Convert the table into a dataframe.

London_table = pd.read_html(str(table[0]), index_col=None, header=0)[0]
Borough Inner Status Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population (2013 est)[1] Co-ordinates Nr. in map
0 Barking and Dagenham [note 1] NaN NaN Barking and Dagenham London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, 1 Town Square 13.93 194352 51°33′39″N 0°09′21″E / 51.5607°N 0.1557°E 25
1 Barnet NaN NaN Barnet London Borough Council Conservative North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South 33.49 369088 51°37′31″N 0°09′06″W / 51.6252°N 0.1517°W 31
2 Bexley NaN NaN Bexley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street 23.38 236687 51°27′18″N 0°09′02″E / 51.4549°N 0.1505°E 23
3 Brent NaN NaN Brent London Borough Council Labour Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way 16.70 317264 51°33′32″N 0°16′54″W / 51.5588°N 0.2817°W 12
4 Bromley NaN NaN Bromley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Centre, Stockwell Close 57.97 317899 51°24′14″N 0°01′11″E / 51.4039°N 0.0198°E 20

There is a second table on the webpage that contains the additional Borough - City of London.

# read the second table
London_table1 = pd.read_html(str(table[1]), index_col=None, header=0)[0]

# rename the columns to match the previous table 
London_table1.columns = ['Borough', 'Inner', 'Status', 'Local authority', 'Political control', 'Headquarters', 
                         'Area (sq mi)', 'Population (2013 est)[1]', 'Co-ordinates', 'Nr. in map']

# view the table
Borough Inner Status Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population (2013 est)[1] Co-ordinates Nr. in map
0 City of London ([note 5] Sui generis;City;Ceremonial county Corporation of London;Inner Temple;Middle Temple ? Guildhall 1.12 7000 51°30′56″N 0°05′32″W / 51.5155°N 0.0922°W 1

Let’s append the dataframes of ‘London_table’ and ‘London_table1’ together. A continuous index value will be maintained across the rows in the newly appended dataframe.

London_table = London_table.append(London_table1, ignore_index=True)

# check the last rows of the data set
Borough Inner Status Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population (2013 est)[1] Co-ordinates Nr. in map
28 Tower Hamlets NaN NaN Tower Hamlets London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent 7.63 272890 51°30′36″N 0°00′21″W / 51.5099°N 0.0059°W 8
29 Waltham Forest NaN NaN Waltham Forest London Borough Council Labour Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road 14.99 265797 51°35′27″N 0°00′48″W / 51.5908°N 0.0134°W 28
30 Wandsworth NaN NaN Wandsworth London Borough Council Conservative The Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street 13.23 310516 51°27′24″N 0°11′28″W / 51.4567°N 0.1910°W 5
31 Westminster NaN City Westminster City Council Conservative Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street 8.29 226841 51°29′50″N 0°08′14″W / 51.4973°N 0.1372°W 2
32 City of London ([note 5] Sui generis;City;Ceremonial county Corporation of London;Inner Temple;Middle Temple ? Guildhall 1.12 7000 51°30′56″N 0°05′32″W / 51.5155°N 0.0922°W 1

We’ll remove the unnecessary strings in the dataset.

London_table = London_table.replace('note 1','', regex=True) 
London_table = London_table.replace('note 2','', regex=True) 
London_table = London_table.replace('note 3','', regex=True) 
London_table = London_table.replace('note 4','', regex=True) 
London_table = London_table.replace('note 5','', regex=True) 

Borough Inner Status Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population (2013 est)[1] Co-ordinates Nr. in map
0 Barking and Dagenham [] NaN NaN Barking and Dagenham London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, 1 Town Square 13.93 194352 51°33′39″N 0°09′21″E / 51.5607°N 0.1557°E 25
1 Barnet NaN NaN Barnet London Borough Council Conservative North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South 33.49 369088 51°37′31″N 0°09′06″W / 51.6252°N 0.1517°W 31
2 Bexley NaN NaN Bexley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street 23.38 236687 51°27′18″N 0°09′02″E / 51.4549°N 0.1505°E 23
3 Brent NaN NaN Brent London Borough Council Labour Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way 16.70 317264 51°33′32″N 0°16′54″W / 51.5588°N 0.2817°W 12
4 Bromley NaN NaN Bromley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Centre, Stockwell Close 57.97 317899 51°24′14″N 0°01′11″E / 51.4039°N 0.0198°E 20
# type of the dataframe
# shape of the dataframe
(33, 10)

Check if the Borough in both the dataframes match.

set(df.Borough) - set(London_table.Borough)
{'Barking and Dagenham', 'Greenwich', 'Hammersmith and Fulham'}

These 3 Boroughs don’t match because of the unnecessary symbols like ‘[ ]’ present.
Let’s find the index of the 3 Boroughs that do not match.

print("The index of first borough is",London_table.index[London_table['Borough'] == 'Barking and Dagenham []'].tolist())
print("The index of second borough is",London_table.index[London_table['Borough'] == 'Greenwich []'].tolist())
print("The index of third borough is",London_table.index[London_table['Borough'] == 'Hammersmith and Fulham []'].tolist())
The index of first borough is [0]
The index of second borough is [9]
The index of third borough is [11]

Change the Borough names to match the other data frame.

London_table.iloc[0,0] = 'Barking and Dagenham'
London_table.iloc[9,0] = 'Greenwich'
London_table.iloc[11,0] = 'Hammersmith and Fulham'
set(df.Borough) - set(London_table.Borough)

The Borough names in both dataframes match.
Now, we combine both the dataframes together.

Ld_crime = pd.merge(London_crime, London_table, on='Borough')
Borough Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offenses Robbery Sexual Offences Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person Total Inner Status Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population (2013 est)[1] Co-ordinates Nr. in map
0 Barking and Dagenham 18103 18888 9188 205 2819 6105 49 50999 43091 149447 NaN NaN Barking and Dagenham London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, 1 Town Square 13.93 194352 51°33′39″N 0°09′21″E / 51.5607°N 0.1557°E 25
1 Barnet 36981 21024 9796 175 2953 7374 38 87285 46565 212191 NaN NaN Barnet London Borough Council Conservative North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South 33.49 369088 51°37′31″N 0°09′06″W / 51.6252°N 0.1517°W 31
2 Bexley 14973 17244 7346 106 1999 2338 22 40071 30037 114136 NaN NaN Bexley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street 23.38 236687 51°27′18″N 0°09′02″E / 51.4549°N 0.1505°E 23
3 Brent 28923 20569 25978 157 3711 12473 39 72523 63178 227551 NaN NaN Brent London Borough Council Labour Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way 16.70 317264 51°33′32″N 0°16′54″W / 51.5588°N 0.2817°W 12
4 Bromley 27135 24039 8942 196 2637 4868 31 69742 46759 184349 NaN NaN Bromley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Centre, Stockwell Close 57.97 317899 51°24′14″N 0°01′11″E / 51.4039°N 0.0198°E 20
# shape of the dataframe
(33, 20)
# check if the names of Boroughs in both the dataframes match
set(df.Borough) - set(Ld_crime.Borough)

Rearrange the Columns.

# list the column names of the dataframe
 'Criminal Damage',
 'Fraud or Forgery',
 'Other Notifiable Offenses',
 'Sexual Offences',
 'Theft and Handling',
 'Violence Against the Person',
 'Local authority',
 'Political control',
 'Area (sq mi)',
 'Population (2013 est)[1]',
 'Nr. in map']
# rename the Population column
Ld_crime = Ld_crime.rename(columns = {'Population (2013 est)[1]':'Population'})
columnsTitles = ['Borough', 'Local authority', 'Political control', 'Headquarters', 'Area (sq mi)', 'Population', 'Co-ordinates',
               'Burglary', 'Criminal Damage', 'Drugs', 'Fraud or Forgery', 'Other Notifiable Offenses', 'Robbery', 'Sexual Offenses', 
                'Theft and Handling', 'Violence Against the Person', 'Total']

Ld_crime = Ld_crime.reindex(columns=columnsTitles)

Ld_crime = Ld_crime[['Borough', 'Local authority', 'Political control', 'Headquarters', 'Area (sq mi)', 'Population', 'Co-ordinates',
               'Burglary', 'Criminal Damage', 'Drugs', 'Fraud or Forgery', 'Other Notifiable Offenses', 'Robbery', 'Sexual Offenses', 
                'Theft and Handling', 'Violence Against the Person', 'Total']]

Borough Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population Co-ordinates Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offenses Robbery Sexual Offenses Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person Total
0 Barking and Dagenham Barking and Dagenham London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, 1 Town Square 13.93 194352 51°33′39″N 0°09′21″E / 51.5607°N 0.1557°E 18103 18888 9188 205 2819 6105 NaN 50999 43091 149447
1 Barnet Barnet London Borough Council Conservative North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South 33.49 369088 51°37′31″N 0°09′06″W / 51.6252°N 0.1517°W 36981 21024 9796 175 2953 7374 NaN 87285 46565 212191
2 Bexley Bexley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street 23.38 236687 51°27′18″N 0°09′02″E / 51.4549°N 0.1505°E 14973 17244 7346 106 1999 2338 NaN 40071 30037 114136
3 Brent Brent London Borough Council Labour Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way 16.70 317264 51°33′32″N 0°16′54″W / 51.5588°N 0.2817°W 28923 20569 25978 157 3711 12473 NaN 72523 63178 227551
4 Bromley Bromley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Centre, Stockwell Close 57.97 317899 51°24′14″N 0°01′11″E / 51.4039°N 0.0198°E 27135 24039 8942 196 2637 4868 NaN 69742 46759 184349
5 Camden Camden London Borough Council Labour Camden Town Hall, Judd Street 8.40 229719 51°31′44″N 0°07′32″W / 51.5290°N 0.1255°W 27939 18482 21816 123 3857 9286 NaN 140596 53012 275147
6 City of London Corporation of London;Inner Temple;Middle Temple ? Guildhall 1.12 7000 51°30′56″N 0°05′32″W / 51.5155°N 0.0922°W 15 16 33 0 17 24 NaN 561 114 780
7 Croydon Croydon London Borough Council Labour Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk 33.41 372752 51°22′17″N 0°05′52″W / 51.3714°N 0.0977°W 33376 31218 19162 270 4340 12645 NaN 91437 67791 260294
8 Ealing Ealing London Borough Council Labour Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road 21.44 342494 51°30′47″N 0°18′32″W / 51.5130°N 0.3089°W 30831 25613 18591 175 4406 9568 NaN 93834 68492 251562
9 Enfield Enfield London Borough Council Labour Civic Centre, Silver Street 31.74 320524 51°39′14″N 0°04′48″W / 51.6538°N 0.0799°W 30213 22487 13251 132 3293 9059 NaN 70371 45036 193880
10 Greenwich Greenwich London Borough Council Labour Woolwich Town Hall, Wellington Street 18.28 264008 51°29′21″N 0°03′53″E / 51.4892°N 0.0648°E 20966 22755 10836 107 3598 5430 NaN 64923 52897 181568
11 Hackney Hackney London Borough Council Labour Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street 7.36 257379 51°32′42″N 0°03′19″W / 51.5450°N 0.0553°W 21450 17327 18144 143 3332 8975 NaN 91118 56584 217119
12 Hammersmith and Fulham Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, King Street 6.33 178685 51°29′34″N 0°14′02″W / 51.4927°N 0.2339°W 17010 14595 15492 91 3352 5279 NaN 86381 43014 185259
13 Haringey Haringey London Borough Council Labour Civic Centre, High Road 11.42 263386 51°36′00″N 0°06′43″W / 51.6000°N 0.1119°W 28213 22272 14563 207 2971 10084 NaN 83979 50943 213272
14 Harrow Harrow London Borough Council Labour Civic Centre, Station Road 19.49 243372 51°35′23″N 0°20′05″W / 51.5898°N 0.3346°W 19630 12724 7122 92 1998 4242 NaN 40800 30213 116848
15 Havering Havering London Borough Council Conservative (council NOC) Town Hall, Main Road 43.35 242080 51°34′52″N 0°11′01″E / 51.5812°N 0.1837°E 21302 17252 8171 179 2358 3089 NaN 52609 33968 138947
16 Hillingdon Hillingdon London Borough Council Conservative Civic Centre, High Street 44.67 286806 51°32′39″N 0°28′34″W / 51.5441°N 0.4760°W 26056 24485 11413 223 6504 5663 NaN 80028 55264 209680
17 Hounslow Hounslow London Borough Council Labour Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road 21.61 262407 51°28′29″N 0°22′05″W / 51.4746°N 0.3680°W 21026 21407 13722 183 3963 4847 NaN 70180 51404 186772
18 Islington Islington London Borough Council Labour Municipal Offices, 222 Upper Street 5.74 215667 51°32′30″N 0°06′08″W / 51.5416°N 0.1022°W 22207 18354 16553 85 3675 8736 NaN 107661 52975 230286
19 Kensington and Chelsea Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council Conservative The Town Hall, Hornton Street 4.68 155594 51°30′07″N 0°11′41″W / 51.5020°N 0.1947°W 14980 9839 14573 85 2203 4744 NaN 95963 29570 171981
20 Kingston upon Thames Kingston upon Thames London Borough Council Liberal Democrat Guildhall, High Street 14.38 166793 51°24′31″N 0°18′23″W / 51.4085°N 0.3064°W 10131 10610 5682 65 1332 1702 NaN 38226 21540 89306
21 Lambeth Lambeth London Borough Council Labour Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill 10.36 314242 51°27′39″N 0°06′59″W / 51.4607°N 0.1163°W 30199 26136 25083 137 4520 18408 NaN 114899 72726 292178
22 Lewisham Lewisham London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, 1 Catford Road 13.57 286180 51°26′43″N 0°01′15″W / 51.4452°N 0.0209°W 24871 24810 16825 262 3809 10455 NaN 70382 63652 215137
23 Merton Merton London Borough Council Labour Civic Centre, London Road 14.52 203223 51°24′05″N 0°11′45″W / 51.4014°N 0.1958°W 16485 14339 6651 111 1571 4021 NaN 44128 28322 115654
24 Newham Newham London Borough Council Labour Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road 13.98 318227 51°30′28″N 0°02′49″E / 51.5077°N 0.0469°E 25356 24177 18389 323 4456 16913 NaN 106146 66221 262024
25 Redbridge Redbridge London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, 128-142 High Road 21.78 288272 51°33′32″N 0°04′27″E / 51.5590°N 0.0741°E 26735 17543 15736 284 2619 7688 NaN 71496 41430 183562
26 Richmond upon Thames Richmond upon Thames London Borough Council Liberal Democrat Civic Centre, 44 York Street 22.17 191365 51°26′52″N 0°19′34″W / 51.4479°N 0.3260°W 16097 11722 4707 37 1420 1590 NaN 40858 20314 96771
27 Southwark Southwark London Borough Council Labour 160 Tooley Street 11.14 298464 51°30′13″N 0°04′49″W / 51.5035°N 0.0804°W 27980 24450 27381 321 4696 16153 NaN 109432 68356 278809
28 Sutton Sutton London Borough Council Liberal Democrat Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way 16.93 195914 51°21′42″N 0°11′40″W / 51.3618°N 0.1945°W 13207 14474 4586 57 1393 2308 NaN 39533 25409 100987
29 Tower Hamlets Tower Hamlets London Borough Council Labour Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent 7.63 272890 51°30′36″N 0°00′21″W / 51.5099°N 0.0059°W 21510 21593 23408 124 4268 10050 NaN 87620 59993 228613
30 Waltham Forest Waltham Forest London Borough Council Labour Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road 14.99 265797 51°35′27″N 0°00′48″W / 51.5908°N 0.0134°W 25565 20459 14101 236 3040 10606 NaN 77940 51898 203879
31 Wandsworth Wandsworth London Borough Council Conservative The Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street 13.23 310516 51°27′24″N 0°11′28″W / 51.4567°N 0.1910°W 25533 19630 9493 161 3091 8398 NaN 92523 45865 204741
32 Westminster Westminster City Council Conservative Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street 8.29 226841 51°29′50″N 0°08′14″W / 51.4973°N 0.1372°W 29295 20405 34031 273 6148 15752 NaN 277617 71448 455028
# shape of the dataframe
(33, 17)

Exploratory Data Analysis

# descriptive statistics of the data
Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offenses Robbery Sexual Offences Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person Total
count 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000 33.000000
mean 22857.363636 19119.333333 14265.606061 161.363636 3222.696970 7844.636364 38.575758 80662.454545 47214.575758 195386.606061
std 7452.366846 5942.903618 7544.259564 81.603775 1362.107294 4677.643075 15.139002 45155.624776 17226.165191 79148.057551
min 15.000000 16.000000 33.000000 0.000000 17.000000 24.000000 0.000000 561.000000 114.000000 780.000000
25% 18103.000000 17244.000000 8942.000000 106.000000 2358.000000 4744.000000 27.000000 52609.000000 33968.000000 149447.000000
50% 24871.000000 20405.000000 14101.000000 157.000000 3293.000000 7688.000000 40.000000 77940.000000 50943.000000 203879.000000
75% 27980.000000 22755.000000 18389.000000 207.000000 3963.000000 10084.000000 47.000000 92523.000000 59993.000000 228613.000000
max 36981.000000 31218.000000 34031.000000 323.000000 6504.000000 18408.000000 71.000000 277617.000000 72726.000000 455028.000000
# import libraries for plotting
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors'ggplot')

Check if the column names are strings.

Ld_crime.columns = list(map(str, Ld_crime.columns))

# check the column labels type 
all(isinstance(column, str) for column in Ld_crime.columns)

Let’s sort the total crimes in descending order to see 5 boroughs with the highest number of crimes.

Ld_crime.sort_values(['Total'], ascending=False, axis=0, inplace=True)

df_top5 = Ld_crime.head()
Borough Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population Co-ordinates Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offenses Robbery Sexual Offenses Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person Total
32 Westminster Westminster City Council Conservative Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street 8.29 226841 51°29′50″N 0°08′14″W / 51.4973°N 0.1372°W 29295 20405 34031 273 6148 15752 NaN 277617 71448 455028
21 Lambeth Lambeth London Borough Council Labour Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill 10.36 314242 51°27′39″N 0°06′59″W / 51.4607°N 0.1163°W 30199 26136 25083 137 4520 18408 NaN 114899 72726 292178
27 Southwark Southwark London Borough Council Labour 160 Tooley Street 11.14 298464 51°30′13″N 0°04′49″W / 51.5035°N 0.0804°W 27980 24450 27381 321 4696 16153 NaN 109432 68356 278809
5 Camden Camden London Borough Council Labour Camden Town Hall, Judd Street 8.40 229719 51°31′44″N 0°07′32″W / 51.5290°N 0.1255°W 27939 18482 21816 123 3857 9286 NaN 140596 53012 275147
24 Newham Newham London Borough Council Labour Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road 13.98 318227 51°30′28″N 0°02′49″E / 51.5077°N 0.0469°E 25356 24177 18389 323 4456 16913 NaN 106146 66221 262024

Let’s visualize these 5 boroughs.

df_tt = df_top5[['Borough','Total']]

df_tt.set_index('Borough',inplace = True)

ax = df_tt.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0)

ax.set_ylabel('Number of Crimes')
ax.set_title('London Boroughs with the Highest no. of crime')

# create a function to display the percentage.
for p in ax.patches:
                (p.get_x()+p.get_width()/2., p.get_height()), 
                xytext=(0, 10), 
                textcoords='offset points',
                fontsize = 14

Okay. Now we know which places you need to stay away from.

Now, let’s sort the total crimes in ascending order to see 5 boroughs with the lowest number of crimes.

Ld_crime.sort_values(['Total'], ascending=True, axis=0, inplace=True)

df_bot5 = Ld_crime.head()
Borough Local authority Political control Headquarters Area (sq mi) Population Co-ordinates Burglary Criminal Damage Drugs Fraud or Forgery Other Notifiable Offenses Robbery Sexual Offenses Theft and Handling Violence Against the Person Total
6 City of London Corporation of London;Inner Temple;Middle Temple ? Guildhall 1.12 7000 51°30′56″N 0°05′32″W / 51.5155°N 0.0922°W 15 16 33 0 17 24 NaN 561 114 780
20 Kingston upon Thames Kingston upon Thames London Borough Council Liberal Democrat Guildhall, High Street 14.38 166793 51°24′31″N 0°18′23″W / 51.4085°N 0.3064°W 10131 10610 5682 65 1332 1702 NaN 38226 21540 89306
26 Richmond upon Thames Richmond upon Thames London Borough Council Liberal Democrat Civic Centre, 44 York Street 22.17 191365 51°26′52″N 0°19′34″W / 51.4479°N 0.3260°W 16097 11722 4707 37 1420 1590 NaN 40858 20314 96771
28 Sutton Sutton London Borough Council Liberal Democrat Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way 16.93 195914 51°21′42″N 0°11′40″W / 51.3618°N 0.1945°W 13207 14474 4586 57 1393 2308 NaN 39533 25409 100987
2 Bexley Bexley London Borough Council Conservative Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street 23.38 236687 51°27′18″N 0°09′02″E / 51.4549°N 0.1505°E 14973 17244 7346 106 1999 2338 NaN 40071 30037 114136

Let’s visualize these 5 boroughs.

df_bt = df_bot5[['Borough','Total']]

df_bt.set_index('Borough',inplace = True)

ax = df_bt.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0)

ax.set_ylabel('Number of Crimes') 
ax.set_title('London Boroughs with the least no. of crime')

# create a function to display the percentage.
for p in ax.patches:
                (p.get_x()+p.get_width()/2., p.get_height()), 
                xytext=(0, 10), 
                textcoords='offset points',
                fontsize = 14

The borough City of London has the lowest crime recorded over the years. Let’s look into its details.

df_col = df_bot5[df_bot5['Borough'] == 'City of London']
df_col = df_col[['Borough','Total','Area (sq mi)','Population']]
Borough Total Area (sq mi) Population
6 City of London 780 1.12 7000

According to the London Boroughs Wikipedia page, the City of London is the 33rd principal division of Greater London, but it is not a London borough. You also realise that living in this area would be very expensive and you’re not looking to spend most of your income on rent.
So let’s focus on the next safest borough i.e. Kingston upon Thames, just to keep our options open.

Visualize different types of crimes in the borough ‘Kingston upon Thames’.

df_bc1 = df_bot5[df_bot5['Borough'] == 'Kingston upon Thames']

df_bc = df_bc1[['Borough', 'Burglary', 'Criminal Damage', 'Drugs', 'Fraud or Forgery', 'Other Notifiable Offenses', 
                'Robbery', 'Sexual Offenses', 'Theft and Handling', 'Violence Against the Person']]

df_bc.set_index('Borough', inplace=True)

ax = df_bc.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0)

ax.set_ylabel('Number of Crimes') 
ax.set_title('Crimes in Kingston upon Thames')

# create a function to display the percentage.
for p in ax.patches:
                (p.get_x()+p.get_width()/2., p.get_height()), 
                xytext=(0, 10), 
                textcoords='offset points',
                fontsize = 14

This borough is a great option for you to live in and is also extremely safe compared to the other boroughs.

Dataset of the Neighborhood

The list of Neighborhoods in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames can be found here.

Neighborhood = ['Berrylands','Canbury','Chessington','Coombe','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston Vale',
                'Malden Rushett','Motspur Park','New Malden','Norbiton','Old Malden','Surbiton','Tolworth']

Borough = ['Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames',
          'Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames',
          'Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames','Kingston upon Thames']

Latitude = ['','','','','','','','','','','','','']
Longitude = ['','','','','','','','','','','','','']

df_neigh = {'Neighborhood':Neighborhood, 'Borough':Borough, 'Latitude':Latitude,  'Longitude':Longitude}
kut_neigh = pd.DataFrame(data=df_neigh, columns=['Neighborhood', 'Borough', 'Latitude', 'Longitude'], index=None)

Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude
0 Berrylands Kingston upon Thames
1 Canbury Kingston upon Thames
2 Chessington Kingston upon Thames
3 Coombe Kingston upon Thames
4 Kingston upon Thames Kingston upon Thames
5 Kingston Vale Kingston upon Thames
6 Malden Rushett Kingston upon Thames
7 Motspur Park Kingston upon Thames
8 New Malden Kingston upon Thames
9 Norbiton Kingston upon Thames
10 Old Malden Kingston upon Thames
11 Surbiton Kingston upon Thames
12 Tolworth Kingston upon Thames

Find the co-ordinates of each neighborhood in the Kingston upon Thames borough.

Latitude = []
Longitude = []

for i in range(len(Neighborhood)):
    address = '{}, London, United Kingdom'.format(Neighborhood[i])
    geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent='London_agent')
    location = geolocator.geocode(address)

print(Latitude, Longitude)
[51.3937811, 51.41749865, 51.358336, 51.4194499, 51.4096275, 51.43185, 51.3410523, 51.3909852, 51.4053347, 51.4099994, 51.382484, 51.3937557, 51.3788758] [-0.2848024, -0.30555280504926163, -0.2986216, -0.2653985, -0.3062621, -0.2581379, -0.3190757, -0.2488979, -0.2634066, -0.2873963, -0.2590897, -0.3033105, -0.2828604]
df_neigh = {'Neighborhood':Neighborhood, 'Borough':Borough, 'Latitude':Latitude,  'Longitude':Longitude}
kut_neigh = pd.DataFrame(data=df_neigh, columns=['Neighborhood', 'Borough', 'Latitude', 'Longitude'], index=None)

Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude
0 Berrylands Kingston upon Thames 51.393781 -0.284802
1 Canbury Kingston upon Thames 51.417499 -0.305553
2 Chessington Kingston upon Thames 51.358336 -0.298622
3 Coombe Kingston upon Thames 51.419450 -0.265398
4 Kingston upon Thames Kingston upon Thames 51.409627 -0.306262
5 Kingston Vale Kingston upon Thames 51.431850 -0.258138
6 Malden Rushett Kingston upon Thames 51.341052 -0.319076
7 Motspur Park Kingston upon Thames 51.390985 -0.248898
8 New Malden Kingston upon Thames 51.405335 -0.263407
9 Norbiton Kingston upon Thames 51.409999 -0.287396
10 Old Malden Kingston upon Thames 51.382484 -0.259090
11 Surbiton Kingston upon Thames 51.393756 -0.303310
12 Tolworth Kingston upon Thames 51.378876 -0.282860

Let’s get the co-ordinates of Berrylands, which is the center neighborhood of the Kingston upon Thames borough.

address = 'Berrylands, London, United Kingdom'

geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent='ld_explorer')
location = geolocator.geocode(address)
latitude = location.latitude
longitude = location.longitude
print('The geographical co-ordinates of Berrylands, London are {}, {}.'.format(latitude, longitude))
The geographical co-ordinates of Berrylands, London are 51.3937811, -0.2848024.

Let’s visualize the neighborhood of Kingston upon Thames borough.

# create map of London using latitude and longitude values
map_lon = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=12)

# add markers to map
for lat, lng, borough, neighborhood in zip(kut_neigh['Latitude'], kut_neigh['Longitude'], 
                                           kut_neigh['Borough'], kut_neigh['Neighborhood']):
    label = '{}, {}'.format(neighborhood, borough)
    label = folium.Popup(label, parse_html=True)
    folium.CircleMarker([lat, lng], radius=5, popup=label, color='blue', fill=True, 
                        fill_color='#3186cc', fill_opacity=0.7, parse_html=False).add_to(map_lon)


  • Find all the venues within a 500 meter radius of each neighborhood.
  • Perform one hot encoding on the venues data.
  • Group the venues by the neighborhood and calculate their mean.
  • Perform a k-means clustering.

Create a function to extract the venues from each Neighborhood

def getNearbyVenues(names, latitudes, longitudes, radius=500):
    for name, lat, lng in zip(names, latitudes, longitudes):
        # create the API request URL
        url = '{}&client_secret={}&v={}&ll={},{}&radius={}&limit={}'.format(
        # make the GET request
        results = requests.get(url).json()['response']['groups'][0]['items']
        # return only relevant information for each nearby venue
            v['venue']['categories'][0]['name']) for v in results])

    nearby_venues = pd.DataFrame([item for venue_list in venues_list for item in venue_list])
    nearby_venues.columns = ['Neighborhood', 
                  'Neighborhood Latitude', 
                  'Neighborhood Longitude', 
                  'Venue Latitude', 
                  'Venue Longitude', 
                  'Venue Category']
kut_venues= getNearbyVenues(names=kut_neigh['Neighborhood'], 
Kingston upon Thames
Kingston Vale
Malden Rushett
Motspur Park
New Malden
Old Malden
(171, 7)
Neighborhood Neighborhood Latitude Neighborhood Longitude Venue Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
0 Berrylands 51.393781 -0.284802 Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club 51.392676 -0.290224 Gym / Fitness Center
1 Berrylands 51.393781 -0.284802 Alexandra Park 51.394230 -0.281206 Park
2 Berrylands 51.393781 -0.284802 K2 Bus Stop 51.392302 -0.281534 Bus Stop
3 Canbury 51.417499 -0.305553 Canbury Gardens 51.417409 -0.305300 Park
4 Canbury 51.417499 -0.305553 The Grey Horse 51.414192 -0.300759 Pub
Neighborhood Latitude Neighborhood Longitude Venue Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
Berrylands 3 3 3 3 3 3
Canbury 14 14 14 14 14 14
Coombe 1 1 1 1 1 1
Kingston Vale 4 4 4 4 4 4
Kingston upon Thames 50 50 50 50 50 50
Malden Rushett 4 4 4 4 4 4
Motspur Park 4 4 4 4 4 4
New Malden 8 8 8 8 8 8
Norbiton 28 28 28 28 28 28
Old Malden 3 3 3 3 3 3
Surbiton 33 33 33 33 33 33
Tolworth 19 19 19 19 19 19
print('There are {} uniques categories.'.format(len(kut_venues['Venue Category'].unique())))
There are 72 uniques categories.

One hot encoding

# one hot encoding
kut_onehot = pd.get_dummies(kut_venues[['Venue Category']], prefix='', prefix_sep='')

# add neighborhood column back to the dataframe
kut_onehot['Neighborhood'] = kut_venues['Neighborhood']

# move neighborhood column to the first column
fixed_columns = [kut_onehot.columns[-1]] + list(kut_onehot.columns[:-1])
kut_onehot = kut_onehot[fixed_columns]

Neighborhood Asian Restaurant Athletics & Sports Auto Garage Bakery Bar Beer Bar Bistro Bookstore Bowling Alley ... Spa Stationery Store Supermarket Sushi Restaurant Tea Room Thai Restaurant Theater Train Station Turkish Restaurant Wine Shop
0 Berrylands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Berrylands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Berrylands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Canbury 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Canbury 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 73 columns

Group the rows by neighborhood and take the mean of the frequency of coocurence of each category.

kut_grouped = kut_onehot.groupby('Neighborhood').mean().reset_index()
Neighborhood Asian Restaurant Athletics & Sports Auto Garage Bakery Bar Beer Bar Bistro Bookstore Bowling Alley ... Spa Stationery Store Supermarket Sushi Restaurant Tea Room Thai Restaurant Theater Train Station Turkish Restaurant Wine Shop
0 Berrylands 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000
1 Canbury 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.071429 0.00 0.071429 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000
2 Coombe 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000 1.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000
3 Kingston Vale 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.250000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000
4 Kingston upon Thames 0.02 0.000000 0.000000 0.020000 0.000000 0.02 0.000000 0.02 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.02 0.020000 0.040 0.000000 0.040000 0.02 0.000000 0.02 0.000000
5 Malden Rushett 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000
6 Motspur Park 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000
7 New Malden 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.125000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.125000 0.125 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000
8 Norbiton 0.00 0.035714 0.035714 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.035714 0.000 0.000000 0.035714 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.035714
9 Old Malden 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.333333 0.00 0.000000
10 Surbiton 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.030303 0.030303 0.00 0.030303 0.00 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.030303 0.000 0.030303 0.030303 0.00 0.030303 0.00 0.000000
11 Tolworth 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.00 0.052632 ... 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.052632 0.00 0.052632 0.00 0.000000

12 rows × 73 columns

# dimensions of the dataframe
(12, 73)
num_top_venues = 5

for hood in kut_grouped['Neighborhood']:
    temp = kut_grouped[kut_grouped['Neighborhood'] == hood].T.reset_index()
    temp.columns = ['venue', 'freq']
    temp = temp.iloc[1:]
    temp['freq'] = temp['freq'].astype(float)
    temp = temp.round({'freq': 2})
    print(temp.sort_values('freq', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True).head(num_top_venues))
                   venue  freq
0   Gym / Fitness Center  0.33
1                   Park  0.33
2               Bus Stop  0.33
3  Portuguese Restaurant  0.00
4                  Plaza  0.00

               venue  freq
0                Pub  0.29
1              Plaza  0.07
2               Park  0.07
3              Hotel  0.07
4  Indian Restaurant  0.07

              venue  freq
0          Tea Room   1.0
1  Asian Restaurant   0.0
2            Market   0.0
3          Platform   0.0
4       Pizza Place   0.0

----Kingston Vale----
              venue  freq
0     Grocery Store  0.25
1               Bar  0.25
2    Sandwich Place  0.25
3      Soccer Field  0.25
4  Asian Restaurant  0.00

----Kingston upon Thames----
              venue  freq
0       Coffee Shop  0.12
1              Café  0.08
2  Department Store  0.06
3   Thai Restaurant  0.04
4    Clothing Store  0.04

----Malden Rushett----
               venue  freq
0  Convenience Store  0.25
1         Restaurant  0.25
2      Garden Center  0.25
3                Pub  0.25
4               Park  0.00

----Motspur Park----
                venue  freq
0                 Gym  0.25
1          Restaurant  0.25
2                Park  0.25
3        Soccer Field  0.25
4  Mexican Restaurant  0.00

----New Malden----
               venue  freq
0                Gym  0.12
1  Indian Restaurant  0.12
2                Bar  0.12
3          Gastropub  0.12
4  Korean Restaurant  0.12

                venue  freq
0   Indian Restaurant  0.11
1  Italian Restaurant  0.07
2                Food  0.07
3                 Pub  0.07
4           Wine Shop  0.04

----Old Malden----
           venue  freq
0            Pub  0.33
1           Food  0.33
2  Train Station  0.33
3       Platform  0.00
4    Pizza Place  0.00

                venue  freq
0         Coffee Shop  0.18
1                 Pub  0.12
2  Italian Restaurant  0.06
3            Pharmacy  0.06
4       Grocery Store  0.06

               venue  freq
0      Grocery Store  0.16
1         Restaurant  0.11
2  Indian Restaurant  0.05
3           Bus Stop  0.05
4     Discount Store  0.05

Create a dataframe of the venues.

First, create a function to sort the venues in descending order.

def return_most_common_venues(row, num_top_venues):
    row_categories = row.iloc[1:]
    row_categories_sorted = row_categories.sort_values(ascending=False)
    return row_categories_sorted.index.values[0:num_top_venues]

Create the new dataframe and display yhe top 10 venues for each neighborhood.

num_top_venues = 10

indicators = ['st', 'nd', 'rd']

# create columns according to tthe number of top venues
columns = ['Neighborhood']
for ind in np.arange(num_top_venues):
        columns.append('{}{} Most Common Venue'.format(ind+1, indicators[ind]))
        columns.append('{}th Most Common Venue'.format(ind+1))
# create a new dataframe
neighborhoods_venues_sorted = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
neighborhoods_venues_sorted['Neighborhood'] = kut_grouped['Neighborhood']

for ind in np.arange(kut_grouped.shape[0]):
    neighborhoods_venues_sorted.iloc[ind, 1:] = return_most_common_venues(kut_grouped.iloc[ind, :], num_top_venues)
Neighborhood 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
0 Berrylands Gym / Fitness Center Park Bus Stop Wine Shop Fast Food Restaurant Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store Farmers Market
1 Canbury Pub Shop & Service Spa Plaza Café Indian Restaurant Hotel Park Supermarket Gym / Fitness Center
2 Coombe Tea Room Wine Shop Fast Food Restaurant Cosmetics Shop Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store Farmers Market Fish & Chips Shop
3 Kingston Vale Grocery Store Bar Sandwich Place Soccer Field Furniture / Home Store Garden Center Fried Chicken Joint French Restaurant Food Fish & Chips Shop
4 Kingston upon Thames Coffee Shop Café Department Store Thai Restaurant Sushi Restaurant Burger Joint Pub Clothing Store Italian Restaurant Asian Restaurant

Cluster similar neighborhoods together using k-means clustering

# import k-means 
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

# set the number of clusters
kclusters = 5

kut_grouped_clustering = kut_grouped.drop('Neighborhood', 1)

# run k-means clustering
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=kclusters, random_state=0).fit(kut_grouped_clustering)

# check cluster labels generated for each row in the dataframe
array([3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4])
# add clustering labels
neighborhoods_venues_sorted.insert(0,'Cluster Labels', kmeans.labels_)

kut_merged = kut_neigh

# merge kut_grouped with kut_neigh to add latitude/longitude for each neighborhood
kut_merged = kut_merged.join(neighborhoods_venues_sorted.set_index('Neighborhood'), on='Neighborhood')

Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude Cluster Labels 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
0 Berrylands Kingston upon Thames 51.393781 -0.284802 3.0 Gym / Fitness Center Park Bus Stop Wine Shop Fast Food Restaurant Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store Farmers Market
1 Canbury Kingston upon Thames 51.417499 -0.305553 1.0 Pub Shop & Service Spa Plaza Café Indian Restaurant Hotel Park Supermarket Gym / Fitness Center
2 Chessington Kingston upon Thames 51.358336 -0.298622 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 Coombe Kingston upon Thames 51.419450 -0.265398 0.0 Tea Room Wine Shop Fast Food Restaurant Cosmetics Shop Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store Farmers Market Fish & Chips Shop
4 Kingston upon Thames Kingston upon Thames 51.409627 -0.306262 1.0 Coffee Shop Café Department Store Thai Restaurant Sushi Restaurant Burger Joint Pub Clothing Store Italian Restaurant Asian Restaurant
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 13 entries, 0 to 12
Data columns (total 15 columns):
 #   Column                  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                  --------------  -----  
 0   Neighborhood            13 non-null     object 
 1   Borough                 13 non-null     object 
 2   Latitude                13 non-null     float64
 3   Longitude               13 non-null     float64
 4   Cluster Labels          12 non-null     float64
 5   1st Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 6   2nd Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 7   3rd Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 8   4th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 9   5th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 10  6th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 11  7th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 12  8th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 13  9th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 14  10th Most Common Venue  12 non-null     object 
dtypes: float64(3), object(12)
memory usage: 1.6+ KB
# drop the rows with NaN value
(12, 15)
kut_merged['Cluster Labels'] = kut_merged['Cluster Labels'].astype(int)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 12 entries, 0 to 12
Data columns (total 15 columns):
 #   Column                  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                  --------------  -----  
 0   Neighborhood            12 non-null     object 
 1   Borough                 12 non-null     object 
 2   Latitude                12 non-null     float64
 3   Longitude               12 non-null     float64
 4   Cluster Labels          12 non-null     int32  
 5   1st Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 6   2nd Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 7   3rd Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 8   4th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 9   5th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 10  6th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 11  7th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 12  8th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 13  9th Most Common Venue   12 non-null     object 
 14  10th Most Common Venue  12 non-null     object 
dtypes: float64(2), int32(1), object(12)
memory usage: 1.5+ KB

Visualize the clusters

# create map
map_clusters = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=11.5)

# set color scheme for the clusters
x = np.arange(kclusters)
ys = [i + x + (i*x)**2 for i in range(kclusters)]
colors_array = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(ys)))
rainbow = [colors.rgb2hex(i) for i in colors_array]

# add markers to the map
markers_colors = []
for lat, lon, poi, cluster in zip(kut_merged['Latitude'], kut_merged['Longitude'], kut_merged['Neighborhood'], kut_merged['Cluster Labels']):
    label = folium.Popup(str(poi) + ' Cluster ' + str(cluster), parse_html=True)
        [lat, lon],

Each cluster is color-coded for the ease of presentation. We can see that the majority of the neighborhoods fall in the purple cluster, which is Cluster 1. Three neighborhoods have their own cluster, which are Red, Green and Yellow, i.e. Cluster 0, 3 and 4 respectively. The Blue cluster, which is Cluster 2, consists of three neighborhoods.


Analyze each of the clusters to identify the characteristics of each cluster and the neighborhoods in them.

Examine the first cluster.

kut_merged[kut_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 0]
Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude Cluster Labels 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
3 Coombe Kingston upon Thames 51.41945 -0.265398 0 Tea Room Wine Shop Fast Food Restaurant Cosmetics Shop Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store Farmers Market Fish & Chips Shop

Cluster 0 has only one neighborhood in it. The most common venues are Tea Rooms, Wine Shops, and Fast Food Restaurants.

Examine the second cluster.

kut_merged[kut_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 1]
Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude Cluster Labels 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
1 Canbury Kingston upon Thames 51.417499 -0.305553 1 Pub Shop & Service Spa Plaza Café Indian Restaurant Hotel Park Supermarket Gym / Fitness Center
4 Kingston upon Thames Kingston upon Thames 51.409627 -0.306262 1 Coffee Shop Café Department Store Thai Restaurant Sushi Restaurant Burger Joint Pub Clothing Store Italian Restaurant Asian Restaurant
6 Malden Rushett Kingston upon Thames 51.341052 -0.319076 1 Convenience Store Pub Garden Center Restaurant Farmers Market Cosmetics Shop Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store
8 New Malden Kingston upon Thames 51.405335 -0.263407 1 Indian Restaurant Korean Restaurant Gastropub Gym Bar Sushi Restaurant Supermarket Chinese Restaurant Department Store Discount Store
9 Norbiton Kingston upon Thames 51.409999 -0.287396 1 Indian Restaurant Pub Italian Restaurant Food Hardware Store Pizza Place Pharmacy Japanese Restaurant Hotel Wine Shop
11 Surbiton Kingston upon Thames 51.393756 -0.303310 1 Coffee Shop Pub Grocery Store Italian Restaurant Pharmacy Breakfast Spot Gastropub Fast Food Restaurant Farmers Market Gym / Fitness Center

Cluster 1 has six neighborhods, the highest number of neighborhoods, in it. After examining these neighborhoods, we can see that the most common venues are Restaurants, Coffee shops, Cafes, Convenience Stores, Department Stores, Grocery Stores, Pubs, Shops & Services, and Spas. There are also Gyms, Spas and other Stores around. This seems to be a great cluster to live in.

Examine the third cluster.

kut_merged[kut_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 2]
Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude Cluster Labels 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
5 Kingston Vale Kingston upon Thames 51.431850 -0.258138 2 Grocery Store Bar Sandwich Place Soccer Field Furniture / Home Store Garden Center Fried Chicken Joint French Restaurant Food Fish & Chips Shop
7 Motspur Park Kingston upon Thames 51.390985 -0.248898 2 Soccer Field Gym Park Restaurant Farmers Market Cosmetics Shop Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store
12 Tolworth Kingston upon Thames 51.378876 -0.282860 2 Grocery Store Restaurant Discount Store Pharmacy Pizza Place Furniture / Home Store Italian Restaurant Bus Stop Indian Restaurant Hotel

Cluster 2 has three neighborhoods in it. The most common venues are Grocery Stores, Soccer Fields, Bars, Restaurants, Gyms, and Parks.

Examine the fourth cluster.

kut_merged[kut_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 3]
Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude Cluster Labels 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
0 Berrylands Kingston upon Thames 51.393781 -0.284802 3 Gym / Fitness Center Park Bus Stop Wine Shop Fast Food Restaurant Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store Farmers Market

Cluster 3 has only one neighborhood in it. The most common venues are Gyms, Parks, and Bus stops.

Examine the fifth cluster.

kut_merged[kut_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 4]
Neighborhood Borough Latitude Longitude Cluster Labels 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
10 Old Malden Kingston upon Thames 51.382484 -0.25909 4 Train Station Pub Food Wine Shop Farmers Market Cosmetics Shop Deli / Bodega Department Store Discount Store Electronics Store

Cluster 4 has only one neighborhood in it. The most common venues are Train Stations, Pubs, and Food Joints.


The aim of this project is to help people who want to relocate to the safest borough in London. Expats can choose the neighborhoods to which they want to relocate based on the most common venues in it. For example, if a person is looking for a neighborhood with good connectivity and public transportation we can see that Clusters 3 and 4 have Bus Stops and Train Stations respectively, as the most common venues. If a person is looking for a neighborhood with stores and restaurants in close proximity, then the neighborhoods in Cluster 1 are suitable. For a family, I feel that the neighborhoods in Cluster 2 are more suitable due to the common venues such as Parks, Gym/Fitness centers, Bus Stops, Restaurants, Grocery Stores and Soccer Fields.


This project helps a person get a better understanding of the neighborhoods with respect to the most common venues in that neighborhood. It is always helpful to make use of technology to stay one step ahead i.e. finding out more about places before moving into a neighborhood. We have just taken safety as a primary concern to shortlist the borough of London. The future of this project includes taking other factors such as cost of living in the areas into consideration to shortlist the boroughs based on safety and a predefined budget.